Tuesday 5 January 2010

What's cooking?

So today I mistakenly made the mistake of asking sick husband what he would like to eat for supper...hmm make mental note not to ask husband this question again. He wanted something nice and easy he said, Shepherds Pie, now this may be easy if you can pop to the super-market and pick up a ready meal however when both of you have issues with gluten and dairy this becomes less than easy, in fact it becomes a make one from scratch kind of day. Usually this wouldn't phase me, I am after all partial to spending time in the kitchen creating hopefully yummy dishes, however... why is there always an however? Where was I oh yes not looking forward to cooking because I had to go to Sainsburys and after that I am usually so exhausted I do not feel like cooking, but I wanted to please sick husband, and yes I have heard of women's lib, I just like making people happy. Sainsburys!!!!! Hell, full of people stockpiling in the event we get snowed in for an hour or so. My god the shelves were bare and it was heaving, unheard of for a Tuesday Lunchtime. Starbucks made up for it though, nothing like a Venti Soya latte to put a smile back on my face. That and a sit down to read this weeks Grazia.

Back to the Shepherds Pie I have now educated sick husband that it is not quite an easy meal; yummy though, or at least I hope it will be:

Tuesday's Pie

500g Lamb mince
4 carrots chopped very small
approx 500ml lamb stock
dried mint
rice flour to thicken
worcestshire sauce
mashed potato

Fry onion add carrots fry til softened add mince, brown, add stock, mint and flour, boil add more flour til as thick as you like it, arrange carefully in a casserole dish or slap in haphazardly if you are me, smooth over mash potato and bake in oven for 1/2 an hour. 180 c for me.

There we have it a tasty gluten and dairy free supper to make the Sainsbury shopping blues disappear and sick husband happy.

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