Saturday, 20 February 2010

Oh My I made pie

This week has just flown past covering most of the spectrum from lazy to downright busy. I spent Monday and Tuesday being a slug, I knew I had a busy end of week so I decided to log some settee time to allow myself to regain some energy. I had just about had enough of tv and settee when Wednesday was upon me, that was " yet another supreme visit from Mother" day which entails me getting up and rushing off to the station, running late as usual.

We decided to stop at Starbucks first for a much needed latte and that was where my day out ended! I had a dizzy turn and yes there are those who would say I am permanently dizzy but this was horrible. The room would swim, I would feel not quite sick but not quite right and I couldn't shake it, a soya latte, bar of plain choccy and a bottle of water all had no effect on it. I had to apologise to Mother, drive home, and yet again veg out in front of the TV. This time though we decided it was time for another dose of Greek sunshine in the form of Mamma Mia..Ahhhhhhh.... we didn't count the weeks to our holidays honest!

Thursday was another busy day, a drive down to Southampton for dinner out with The Girls. Geek husband had made a request for a stop at Richer Sounds.... men and their tech porn. I was to buy speakers, unfortunately I did not have the product number and only knew the brand name and Geek husband was usefully in a meeting. I wonder how many mad women Richer Sounds get in a day? I was successful though, a smile and a stooopid act generally works quite well I have found.

To make up for my lost Wednesday I hit Debenhams. It was fun, I bought shoes, make-up and clothes. I think the clothes might go back but no way is the make-up. I shrieked when I saw a Smash-box counter in there. My favourite lippy is mine again. I tried on some outfits for the Childe's wedding, no black, pretty, feminine, spring-like. All I can say on that subject is Bring me back the Black!!!!

Dinner with the girls was it's usual mix of laughter, gossip and in my case wine. Yummmmm

Friday morning was a shock to my system. The Childe wished me at her place for 10am for more wedding stuff, doesn't sound bad but it is the other side of town from Mother's and there were road-works everywhere. I left nice and early and only got angry with 2 other drivers. I think my Chelsea tractor must be invisible. Wedding stuff was sort of accomplished along with a very cold but pleasing visit to the park with the grandkids. I wish I had worn my Uggs though not heels for a park visit, Still Chouet always likes to look her best.....

Today we wine shopped and it was surprisingly hard, our usual store had very little choice in our price range which was very disappointing but Geek husband and I made up for it with a rather expensive New Zealand red. Drinking it now and I can say it was worth it. I had removed some frozen cooked turkey from the freezer, strange that, taking some thing frozen from the freezer, and then had to wrack my brain with what to do with it. One thing Munching husband and I have missed alot on this whole gluten and dairy free thing is a decent pie, and I can tell you from painful experience that making the pastry is not easy. Today I cracked it....

Pie Crust

1 1/2 cups plain GF flour
1/3 cup made up of a mix of cornflour and potato flour
60g each of dairy free marg and Trex or similar
1 egg
cold water.

Put flour and fat in a food processor (or rub in by hand) and blitz til a sandy consistency. Add the beaten egg and pulse then add cold water, and pulse again, just enough water to bring it all together. Put the pastry in the fridge for a minimum of 20 minutes then roll out between cling film. This is the easiest way to handle GF pastry which is drier and more fragile than normal pastry.

Stuffed Husband highly recommends the pastry and is now pondering on all his other favourite fillings. What have I done??????

Monday, 15 February 2010

Books, TV........

I survived the Valentines weekend, just, a sneaky migraine popped up from behind the parapet on Sunday, the first since my Hysterectomy. A full blown flashing light scenario. I couldn't believe it, I hadn't eaten anything illegal and supposedly my hormones are sorted so where oh where did it appear from? I must keep a track of them another one and a visit to the docs will be on the cards. That is what am up to tomorrow a surprise visit to the Pain clinic. there had been a cancellation and they can fit little old me in. In one way I am very pleased about this. I am in pain, I do need help, on the other hand I admit to being scared about how it will go. Will they offer CBT? Am I a candidate for CBT? From what I have read about it I don't think so I think I manage being in pain and don't let it rule my life too much. I have also tried acupuncture and that made my M.E worse so how can I tell them all this without sounding too negative?????

I did in the end enjoy my valentines with Gorgeous Husband, I think the rather expensive bottle of wine helped... but seriously I do love being with him, just being, talking over our dreams and plans and happily ignoring all the chores that need doing. I will however own to looking forward to a girls night out, hopefully with buckets of fizz, good conversation, and loads of laughter. Sorry Gorgeous husband but sometimes a girl just needs her friends....

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Boring people get bored

Does this mean I am boring? I am still having a bad time of things at the moment having picked up another cold from my adorable Grandchildren...Hmmph. I have been relegated to bed and settee rest for nearly a week and am now getting really rather bored. I have managed to get out to the shops once and put myself in a good mood by purchasing two Phase Eight tops. In a size 16 no less... and considering that I still manage to bake whilst ill I decided this was amazing.

Speaking of baking I should not have bought the Hummingbird Bakery recipe book. It is baaaaaddddd. I think I will have to try most of the recipes, at least those that I can turn dairy and gluten free anyway. At the moment that has been Peanut butter cookies, banana muffins, and chocolate chocolate cookies. Can I just have a moment for my salivations to stop. MMMMMM MMMMMMM these baked goods should be classed illegal. i have had to freeze them all to stop myself from committing waistline suicide. Defrosting in the microwave takes such a long time as we know!!!!

I am all butterflied out at the moment after hitting E-bay big time for decorative items, lights etc for Childe's wedding. I is amazing what pops up when you type in butterflies. I have had to rein myself in in case we can't move at the reception for darn pink butterflies. I even found the most gorgeous pink and white cup cases for the wedding cake and that is one cake that I don't have to make.

Friday, 5 February 2010

It's been a while

Colds are the work of the bad gods, I can't say Devil he is a Christian construct and I am a witch so I will have to make do with bad gods. I felt like a bit of chewed string until Sunday and even then I wasn't quite right. Sigh. I even had to cancel dinner with friends at our favourite Thai, Bangpras. I am sure their green chicken curry would have put me right but I just couldn't manage it, we have rearranged for this Saturday, lets hope I am ok for that. I would not usually comment on me not making things as this is self defeating but I have a sore-throat AGAIN and a sniffle appearing, and yes I can here my girl shouting at me, I have taken First defence, or as she calls it, liquid acid.

I am glad I was feeling a bit better because Wednesday was a day to trip down the M3 to Southampton and go all wedding preparationy. We thought we were organised but then we realised it was 15 weeks to go and there was a very long list of things to do. We put our noses to the grindstones though and sorted out a fair amount in one day, even if we did have to leave Grandad Jon babysitting. At least my girl and I are managing to put him to work even if work isn't. (Sorry Jon). We bought the most beautiful bridesmaids dresses and we were quite lumpy throated and wet eyed at the sight of 2 adorable poppets in their dresses. I was not quite so lumpy throated at the sight of my girl in her wedding bra....

A good job done I reckon on Wednesday but so much more to do. that was enough though, it was time on the calendar for yet another supreme visit from Mother so I picked her up and had company on the drive home,via M&S of course. Not much exciting shopping for me though, a pair of wellies and that was it, my bad shopping run continues. Husband was ok, he got new jeans and grandkids are ok they got new toys for the toy box, Chouet though no such luck.

Tonight of course is Friday and that is of course Pizza and wine night, don't know today which I am excited about more, a cheesy, meaty pizza or lashings of wine. I can't chose so will not and will be doubly excited!